Thursday, June 12, 2008

(memberi salam)

(memberi salam)

Oh, the end of the academic year.

I've done a lot of silly things, gained a little bit of reputation, did a lot of silly things, sought to redefine myself, did a lot of silly things, pushed myself to the extreme, then the silly things again.

For those who have been scathed with my sardonic approach to certain things, I apologize.
For those who feel that what I've written here is enlightening, I can only pray that whatever little bits of that stay with you and with me too.

Wish me luck for summer exam!


hadoken said...

oi! skrang musim cuci blog ke?

Mohd Hazreen Rashid said...

oi kembali...
ehehe, salahkan amie, aku terinspired dgn dia...
heh, takde lah...aku rasa malu la plak bace certain things yg aku tulis...cuci je la smue.....

Anonymous said...

good luck.

afiqawe said...


aku nak cuci gak la, bleh?
tapi sayang...

anyway, kalau nak cuci, moga tercuci yang kat 'dalam' tu juga ye... bukan superficial sahaja...

*raimi, kau nya tak yah cucila...

afiqawe said...

seperti tema blog >> "Kotor Kaki lebih baik daripada Kotor Hati.."

Mesin Kata said...

(memberi salam)


catitan itu mengisahkan sesuatu yang terkisah dari sudut pandangan si pencatit.

tidak mengapalah.

semoga yang terbaik untuk tuan empunya blog dan kalian.

Anonymous said...

salam hazreen...tsk tsk..
aku ingt kan laptop aku yg xreti2 nak load abes..hehe..menarek pa blog2 hg dlu..oh well then..
gudluck for therapy!!!!!!!!
tak sabarnyeeee nak abes exammmm!!!!!

Anonymous said...

amboi2...cantiknya rumah ko skang..

semua licin..
habis tak tinggal apa dah..
ni nak buat rumah baru ke??
ke ada ura2 nak pindah rumah baru??

Aku A-Z-Z-U said...

(membalas salam)

sayangnya, habis semua post blog ni.
anyway, goodluck :)

Anonymous said...

ala....sob2(over x)..aku suka apa baca..hrm...

Anonymous said...

blog yg menarik selalu jg aku bertandang.